Quite often, homeless individuals feed their dog before themselves. Generally speaking, this means that some dogs purely live on a human diet which isn’t good for their overall health. Regular donations of dog food as well as treats, collars, warm coats and doggy essentials are all greatly ...
If your family vet is concerned about the health of your dog or cat, they can recommend to you that further investigation by a specialist is needed. This is known as a referral. The referral process can sometimes be a confusing experience, especially at what can be a difficult time for you and your ...
The dogs don’t seem to care how expensive they are, just how safe they now feel. And they must work as when we have canine visitors to our house, they always go straight to Sarah’s Steps rather than the bigger ones. And Corkie’s Dad even built a special Corkie Stair Left to help get him up ...
Do me a favour though, close your eyes for one moment and imagine if you and your dog didn’t have a home (you may not think it, but it could happen to any of us). Imagine facing the elements day in and day out, enduring the driving wind and rain (and even snow!), experiencing abuse and feeling ...
I know what you’re thinking; every day is walking the dog day (well it should be anyway!) but today is apparently a day to celebrate it (and let’s face it, there’s a good reason to, as there are so many amazing places to walk your dog (plus it’s good for you and your dogs mind, body and soul ...
Fitzpatrick Referrals recognise that animals have evolved to naturally draw to moving in water, and have built upon this to provide a wide range of both physical and psychological benefits for patients. For instance, large dogs who have lost a limb are enriched by swimming which allows them to ...
We know of numerous examples of distraught pet owners being asked to settle their bills over the stricken form of their deceased pet or being made to wait in a queue in the reception area, lead and collar in hand. Our own experience of end-of-life care with our Great Dane was nothing short of ...
Anna Webb
Molly’s paws were simply too small for her sturdy build - it’s a design fault in the breed. Bullies' feet have been selected to reflect the breed standard for “small, compact, ‘cat-like’ paws”. We battled this problem for 12 years, but despite a host of treatments including ...
Gremlin my street cat moved in with Molly and me five years ago. He was a tiny super cute stray kitten that needed a home, and he chose us. Never having owned a cat before it was fun and games. Molly then aged nine became Gremlin’s mentor and surrogate Mum. Together Molly and I treated ...
If we had to offer one piece of advice ourselves about effective use of social media it is to remember the social component. You are not operating in a vacuum, so do not forget to comment on, share, like and favourite other people’s social media posts. The more you interact with others, the more ...