
Is Insurance For My Kitten Worth It?

Pet Insurance | The Pros and Cons

We consider our cats as loving members of our family. We try to provide them with everything so they can live a life as comfortable as ours. From the best foods and the most comfortable beds to optimal healthcare, there's nothing we're not willing to do and give for our feline companions.

You've probably heard about insurance plans for pets, and you can't help but think about getting one for your new kitten to ensure his/her safety in the future. Better be safe than sorry, right?

But is it really worth the investment, or is it just another one of those optional luxuries for pets?

Let's find out.  

Is Cat Insurance Worth it?

The simple answer is... it depends.  Pet insurance works the same as our insurance plans in assisting with the financial costs of keeping our health in good shape. Pet insurance companies also offer different plans. The only difference is, the price of your premiums rises as your pet cat grows old. 

It's an optional investment. They're not a part of our basic needs, but in the future, it can be extremely beneficial. If you're looking to secure peace of mind for your kitten's health in the future, then, by all means, invest in a cat insurance policy.  

For instance, when your kitten reaches its senior years, s/he'll be more prone to diseases and health conditions. Depending on how serious the condition is, your cat's medical bill may reach an amount that's beyond your budget. Not to mention the needed surgery or treatment to return your cat to its former good health.

Now, if you've invested in a pet insurance plan, it could help you pay the tearjerking bill. But if not, you'll be forced to see your cat suffering from his/her condition without any treatment.

And, according to Dr Jean Maixner through an interview with, a veterinarian and co-owner of Animal Critical Care & Emergency Services in Seattle, some cat parents end up asking to euthanize their pet instead because they can't afford the treatment. If only these cat owners have invested in a pet insurance plan, they could have financial assistance to afford the treatment.

Despite the benefits, not all cat parents would recommend it. According to some, if your cat's a healthy animal, you'll find your pet insurance a waste of investment. In fact, your investment in the insurance plan can be more expensive than your cat's would-be medical bills. 

Both sides have valid points, so deciding on the urgency of an insurance plan depends on YOU. If you're still in the dark deciding if cat insurance is for you, let's go over the pros and cons of investing in a cat insurance plan.



You've Got Simple And Straightforward Options. 

Pet insurance companies offer policies whose benefits are easy to compare. Not like with human insurance plans where you'll need to do deep research to find the most beneficial and cost-efficient for you. 

You can also get free quotes from these companies without any commitments, giving you more room to choose the best insurance plan for you. 

You Have The Freedom To Choose Your Vet.

As long as your vet is a legit one, you won't need to worry when you make a claim to your insurance company. To apply for the reimbursement, you only need your vet to fill out some sections of the claim form and have him/her send you a copy of the invoice.

Premiums Start Low

If you purchase an insurance policy while your kitten's still young or in good shape, and if you choose a low-price-but-worthy plan, you won't pay much for the premium. It can even total to an amount smaller than your kitten's monthly meal budget.

No Holding Back When It Comes To Your Cat's Health.

Most cat parents are stuck in a heartbreaking decision between their cat's need for medical treatment and their financial capacity. Unfortunately, the latter weighs more, and cat parents are forced to do nothing but pray for a miracle healing for their feline pets.

And when push comes to shove, they're forced to send their beloved cats to the afterlife through "economic euthanasia, as reported by USA Today. 

For those with cat insurance, this isn't a problem. In fact, they're more likely to visit their vets for checkups because they're confident they have a financial backup. 

kitten playing with a ball


Premiums Surge As Your Cat Grows Older

Pet insurance companies charge higher every time your cat adds another year to his/her life. If you opted for a higher tier too, you can expect the premium charges to take a huge spike until it becomes unaffordable for you.

It's not Advisable If Your Cat's Already In Good Health. 

If you keep your cat in good shape, and if the only thing that pushes you to visit the vet is routine checkups, you won't benefit much from getting cat insurance. The cost of your routine checkups would be more affordable than the premiums of your policy in the long run.

You Still Need To Pay Money Upfront For Treatments And Checkups.

If you think you won't need to set aside some extra funds for your kitten's medical emergencies because of your cat insurance, think again. You still need to pay your vet up front to proceed with the treatment or for the whole checkup. Your pet insurance company would only reimburse your expenses once your claim is approved. 

Don't Expect Your Insurance Policy To Cover Everything

The New York Times reported that pet owners still pay about 20 per cent of their pet's medical bills, despite their insurance policy. There are certain conditions too, that pet insurance companies don't cover, so make sure to review your insurance company's policies before heading to the vet. 

Be A Smart Cat Parent. Choose Your Insurance Wisely!

Our cats have different needs and health conditions, so you're the only one who can tell if cat insurance is really a necessity. If you see the need for it, make sure to review your company options thoroughly.  

It's always important to keep your cat's health in good shape so you can avoid using your insurance as much as possible. If you're a new kitten parent, check out cat blogs like Purrfect N' Pawesome for cat health tips and guides.

Article by Sarah Hayes Contributor at Purrfect 'n' Pawesome

Purrfect 'n' Pawesome

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